How To Care For A Betta Fish Without Feeding Them?

By Grace
5 Min Read

Bettas are beautiful fish with a unique personalities. They are also called Siamese fighting fish because of the aggressive behavior they exhibit when kept together. Keeping an active betta in a small bowl and feeding it once or twice a week is not the same as keeping one in an aquarium and caring for it daily. Read on to learn how to care for buy betta fish online without feeding them…

Monthly Care For A Betta Fish

To keep a betta fish healthy, daily feeding of a variety of high-quality pellets is not enough. Bettas need a bigger-than-average aquarium with a filter, a heater, and a current of fresh, clean water. The water should be kept at a temperature between 22-25°C. An aquarium of at least 10 gallons (38 liters) is needed for a single betta, but a 20-gallon aquarium is optimal. A larger tank is needed if you want to keep more than one fish. Bettas are tropical fish and need a warm environment with a water temperature that stays above 18°C.

Weekly Care For A Betta Fish

Cleaning the aquarium – a weekly task – is a must to prevent diseases. The water should be changed once a week, and the gravel should be vacuumed. Feeding the fish pellets two or three times a week is beneficial, but it is not enough. Feeding should be supplemented by special foods. There are many options, such as live food and frozen food.

Live food is ideal because it is rich in vitamins and proteins. It is also a source of calcium and phosphorus, which are necessary for the betta fish’s health. Bettas also need to be offered vitamins and minerals to stay healthy. You can do this by adding a vitamin supplement to the water once a week or by growing an orchid in the aquarium.

Growing An Orchid For A Betta Fish

An orchid is a beautiful aquatic plant that is easy to grow in a betta fish tank. It is the best choice if you want to add an interesting decoration to your aquarium and provide vitamins and minerals to your fish at the same time. There are many varieties of orchids that grow well in aquariums, such as the Betta Splendens, Betta Barrowsii, or Betta Fishtail. Before choosing a plant, make sure that it can tolerate warm water and that it does not need a lot of light. Betta orchids prefer a shaded, warm environment.

They make a great decoration for a betta aquarium because they are easy to grow and they do not require a lot of attention. They are perfect if you are not very experienced with aquarium plants. There are a few things you should know about growing an orchid for a betta fish. Orchids need a nutrient-rich environment to grow, and betta fish waste is a great source of nutrients. That is why it is important to place the orchid in the middle of the tank, to provide the roots with enough nutrients.

How To Care For A Betta In The Long Term

Bettas are territorial fish, so it is best to keep them in pairs. If you want to keep more than one fish, make sure that the aquarium is large enough and that the fish are compatible. Bettas are tropical fish, so it is best to keep them at a warm water temperature. The water temperature in the aquarium should be around 25°C (77°F). It is also important to keep the water clean and to change it regularly. A filter and regular water changes are the best ways to keep the water clean. These fish are carnivorous, so they should be fed feeder fish (live food) once a week or frozen food twice a week.


Betta fish are beautiful creatures and can make a wonderful addition to your aquarium. You can keep multiple bettas together if you have a large aquarium, but be sure to keep the aquarium warm enough. Bettas are also territorial, so you should keep only one betta per aquarium. You should keep the aquarium clean and change the water regularly. You can also grow an orchid in the aquarium and feed your betta live food.

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