What Should You Do If Your Content Creation Isn’t Generating Any Leads?

By Grace
5 Min Read

Putting lots of effort into the content that you create only to get very little engagement and—subsequently—little to no leads can be very disheartening. But what can you do in this situation? Do you give up entirely? Or is there something that you can do to ensure that each new piece of content, going forward, has a much bigger impact?

Read on and let’s find out!

1. Study your competitors and see which content they get the most interaction from

A great place to start is to look at your biggest competitors and identify which content types they are currently getting the most interaction from.

The goal here isn’t to steal their ideas and regurgitate their exact content strategy, however, you can yield some excellent insights from some extensive competitor research.

If they’re doing exceptionally well, there must be a very good reason for it.

2. Circle back and further research your audience. How much do you really know about them?

Contrary to popular belief, most marketers don’t understand their audience quite as well as they think they do.

It’s one thing to know the general age, gender, and location of your audience, but what else can you say about your ideal buyer persona? Do you understand them on a deep and personal level?

Circle back and deep-dive into your audience. The more data you have on them the better positioned you will be to create content that is more likely to resonate and inspire positive engagement.

3. Identify what content has worked well for you in the past

Are there certain posts that have performed exceptionally well for you in the past? If so, it’s worth going back and studying them. What made the content so special? Why did your audience resonate so well with it?

4. Look at where and when you are posting your content

Another useful approach is to think carefully about which platforms you are sharing your content on and when.

Is your ideal audience on Facebook? Or are they mostly spending their time on TikTok?

Similarly, what time are they likely to be the most active? Because if your target market is in the US but you are posting when they are at work or asleep, you’ll be missing out on a lot of potential engagement.

5. How much time are you investing in each piece of content? Does every post have a very clear intention?

Generally speaking, the reason why many people struggle to get engagement with their content is because they aren’t putting the time and research into crafting high-value work.

Are you pumping out lots of content because you’ve heard it is good for SEO?

If you want the greatest success from every single piece you write you need to have a clear intention for each one. What will the reader gain from engaging with the piece? Is it genuinely going to make their life better?

Not only that, but have you found your brand voice? Are you consistently creating content with a tone that intrigues and excites your audience?

Take your time, go back to the drawing board, understand your audience inside and out, and then pre-empt their needs with exceptional, well-thought-out content.

Conclusion: It may be worth hiring the professionals

In truth, creating high-value content that gets maximum engagement consistently is not easy. In fact, this is why more and more business owners are outsourcing these tasks to the professionals. Rather than bang your head against a wall trying to figure out how to get more engagement (when you could be focusing on other important aspects of your business), invest in SEO services instead and let them work their magic! 

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